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Sunshine Gymnastics

“More than just bars and​ beams …. At Sunshine, we build strong bodies and minds. We put smile on your child’s face“

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Preschool classes

Preschool educational movement programs

Beginning with the youngest age of 18 months, we begin with the

Bouncing Babies class.

This class progresses into Mighty Bears for the 3-4 years old.

Bouncing Babies

18 months – 3 Years Old (45 minutes)

Baby steps in Baby Bears! Research shows that early parent-child interaction greatly contributes to the healthy social, cognitive and physical development of your child. Now that your child is walking, he is beginning to explore his surroundings and environment with a whole new perspective.

Our lesson plans promote social interaction through parent-child bonding activities and gross motor play. Your child will be introduced to many new concepts such as circle time, sequencing activities and a group activity. This class is geared to the child's short attention span at these ages. The instructor will help lead them through a circuit, which introduces various gymnastics skills to the child. It also enables the parent to work with their child on

locomotor skills,strength building, eye-hand coordination as well as social

skills, learning to take turns and follow directions. The teacher will instruct the parents as to proper techniques of each skill and how to correctly assist your child.

Mighty Bears

3-4 YEARS OLD (50 minutes)

Our Mighty Bears will continue to focus on gross motor development (coordination, strength, spatial awareness and body control) while adding more opportunities for early gymnastics fundamentals. They will learn to understand multi step instructions and will be able to follow directions independently.

The equipment for our Mighty Bears includes beam, bars, tumble track, as well as climbing and floor circuits to introduce various gymnastics skills.

All of this adds up to increased skill development opportunities still centered on creative lesson plans.

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